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Manager for subsidised home financing schemes under the Sabah & Sarawak state governments & statutory bodies.

With Tawarruq Home Financing-i, we offer a comprehensive and fully Shariah-compliant Home Financing solution that best your financing needs.
A capital guaranteed deposit account or safe custody savings account that allows you the flexibility of managing funds according to your short or long-term needs.
Years of Establishment
Million Paid-up Share
Customer Satisfaction

Main Products & Services Offers:

Home Financing (Conventional & Islamic) Scheme for State Civil Servants and Employees of State Government Agencies and Statutory Bodies.

The Company is authorised to offer home financing to state civil servants in Sabah and Sarawak under the State Government Home Financing Scheme.

Similar facility is extended to employee of state government agencies and statutory bodies.

Public Sector Home Financing

For purchase of house on flexible terms.

Fixed Deposits and Savings Account

Fixed Deposits and Savings accounts at attractive interest rates.

Commercial Loans

Financing the purchase of commercial properties.

Corporate Financing

Financing property development.

New Products & Services:

Home financing schemes under the Sabah & Sarawak state governments & statutory bodies.

Tawarruq Term Deposits

Wadiah Savings


Any Inquiry? Let's Talk.

We welcome any and all suggestions, so leave us a comment and we will get back to you.

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